The 2016 Presidential election, was perhaps, the most polarizing one, in recent memory.
Unfortunately, rather than the American citizens coming together, for the common good, and seeking a viable, meeting of the minds, we have witnessed a divided nation, where liberals/ progressives, have opposed conservatives, and there has been, precious, little, middle - ground, where well - intentioned people, have been ready, willing, and able to seek, a degree of compromise, etc!
Those of us, who have never supported, Donald Trump, have been challenged, to agree, to nearly anything positive, his being President of the United States, means and represents, and, thus, are confused, when so many of his core supporters, still support him! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, and discuss, 5 possibilities.
1. Naive, and believe: Since Mr. Trump, appears to rarely be truthful, and to his detractors, appears, to be, merely a hypocrite, with a self - serving, personal agenda, we often, can't understand, why others, fail to consider these things, etc! One possibility is they are naive, and want his rhetoric, to become reality, cling to his leadership, and maintain their belief in him, and his agenda!
2. Share his apparent, biases, and prejudices: While our Constitution proclaims that, all men are created equal, the reality is, many, have certain biases and/ or prejudices, and feel, they are better, or more deserving than others! Objective observers consider many of Trump's actions, ideas and approaches, to be based on his perceptions, bias, and prejudice, while his core supporters, consider these to be truths, and match their belief - set! Polls indicate, the President's core supporters/ base, is approximately 35% of the public, and in our political system, where we elect a President, using the electoral college, rather than the popular vote, someone can be elected, by appealing to the common threads, even if detractors, consider those to be un - American biases!
3. Buy - into his populist rhetoric; and the economic promises, etc: Donald J. Trump maintains a superior ability, to understand populism, and how to market himself, etc!
Is it possible, these individuals, continue to believe it, when he promises, a middle - class, tax cut, which is not, or great health insurance, which also didn't conform with reality!
While others consider his agenda, to be more self - serving, than anything else, his core supporters appear to remain, ready to believe in their hero!
4. Fears: Many Americans, today, are fearful of the threats, both from outside, as well as within, our nation. Trump stokes these insecurities, with his consistent, blaming and complaining, and promoting positions, such as his southern - border wall, and his extremist immigration rhetoric!
5. Believe he's done what he promised: Since President Trump, often, takes personal credit, for anything/ everything that goes well, regardless. of whether he had much to do with it, and resorts to blaming others, when anything does not, many of his core supporters, seem to believe he's improved the economy, and made us safer! While objective observers believe, the long - term impacts of his tax reform plan, will be less than favorable, his supporters seem to be happy, with even a minimal tax decrease. While 70% of the public will see a decrease in the amount of taxes paid, and the maximum benefits, will go to the wealthiest 1% of the population, and the largest corporations, the savings to the middle - class are temporary, while tax cuts to the wealthy, are permanent! Short - sighted, wishful thinking, may be the thread, that keeps Trump's supporters, in his camp!
We are living in a divided America, where politicians, such as Mr. Trump, appears to be focused, on politics, rather than serving the public's needs! Wake up, America, and consider, what this nation must stand for, including all the freedoms and rights!